How do Central Vacuums Work?

Understand How Central Vacuums Work and how they add value.

How do Central Vacuums Works?


Central vacuum systems work by using a network of pipes installed throughout a home to transport dirt, dust, and debris to a central collection unit. The piping is usually installed within walls, attics, or crawl spaces, and can be connected to a variety of inlets throughout the home. Central vacuum piping is built into the walls of your home at the construction stage. About the same time as your electrician and plumber do their prewire. 

Wall Inlets 

These inlets, which are typically located in the walls, allow homeowners to connect a lightweight hose to the system to clean their homes. This automatically turns on the vacuum machine. Ready to clean straight away.

Removing Dust

When the vacuum is turned on, the motor in the central collection unit creates suction, which pulls dirt and debris through the pipework and into the collection unit. The collected debris is then deposited into a bag or bin that can be emptied periodically. This system eliminates the need to lug around a heavy vacuum cleaner and provides unparalleled cleaning power, making it an ideal solution for modern homes.

Final Fit Off

At the final fit off VacuumOne attaches the wall inlets, vacpan and power unit (vacuum machine) in the garage. 

To operate, you simply plug a hose into a wall outlet and vacuum away! The dirt and debris are then sucked through the internal pipework and into a power unit.

52% Increase in Indoor Air QUALITY

61 % reduction in  exposure to allergens

45% faster cleaning

 Features Of Central Vacuuming

Automatic Start

Simply plug the hose into the wall socket to start vacuuming.

Powerful Suction

Never loose suction with the powerful vacuum motor and cyclonic dust extraction.

Quiet Vacuuming

Quieter cleaning with the motor located in the garage. Your pets will love you for it

Deeper Carpet Cleaning

Clean deep down into the carpet pile where dust and dirt hide. Places lesser quality vacuums cant reach.

Easy Stair Cleaning

Effortless stair cleaning - no more having to wrestle with your pull behind on the stairs

Lasts years longer

Central Vacuums can last 5-10 years longer than traditional pull behinds and stick vacuums

Find out how to add value and indoor air quality to your new home with central vacuum

Benefits of central vacuums for new homes

  • Customization options to meet specific family and home needs

  • Various options available, including Electron EVS central vacuum, Electron Mini Vacuum, and accessories for all major brands

  • Ideal for those building a new home or upgrading their current cleaning system

  • VacuumOne has everything you need to make the smart choice for your home.

Why Choose a Central Vacuum for your new home

Building a new home can be overwhelming with so many decisions to make, from selecting flooring and paint colors to choosing appliances and fixtures.

It's important not to overlook a crucial element: how to keep your home clean and healthy. and ways to increase your home’s indoor air quality

Traditional portable vacuums can be cumbersome and ineffective in removing dust and allergens, but central vacuums offer a perfect solution. Discover the benefits of central vacuums for new homes and choose the perfect cleaning solution for your family's carpets, hard floors, and more..

See How a VacuumOne central vacuum system can add value your new home or renovation.

 The Electron EVS Power Unit is the heart of the ducted vacuum system.

Central Vacuum Systems are Unbeatable

Are you tired of lugging around a heavy vacuum and struggling to clean every corner of your home? Say goodbye to those days with VacuumOne's central vacuum system. Here's why you need one:

  • Unmatched Power and Convenience: Unlike stick vacuums and pull-behind vacuums, our central vacuum system offers unbeatable power and convenience.

  • Lightweight Hose with Free Hose Sock: Our lightweight hose lets you vacuum every part of your home with ease, and our free hose sock protects your walls from bumps and scrapes.

  • Ideal for Stairs: With a 12m lightweight hose, you can easily cover large areas of the house without the inconvenience of a pull-behind vacuum. This is especially important on stairs where a conventional vacuum can be dangerous.

  • Powerful EVS Power Vacuum Unit: Our EVS power vacuum unit delivers suction 3 to 4 times that of even the strongest portable and around 3 times the life span of a stick vacuum. Perfect for sucking up pet hair and keeping allergies at bay.

  • Extensive Range of Accessories: We have every application covered with our extensive range of accessories from kitchen VacPans to pet brushes.

  • Trusted Quality: VacuumOne has been providing central vacuums to New Zealand for years, offering cleaning solutions for any application or budget. Our products are of the highest quality and very technically advanced. Buy with confidence knowing that the company selling you the system is the same company installing the system, not a contractor. We want to make sure it's right the first time because we don't like comebacks.

Upgrade your cleaning game with VacuumOne's central vacuum system.

3 Easy Steps to get your central vacuum install Started

Step 1 - Quote From Plans

If you have plans, send these to us and we can provide a detailed quote to supply and install the right machine for your build. We can work out the optimal number of inlets to reach all parts of your house.

If you would prefer for one of our technicians to come to your site and walk through the process with you let us know and will organize a time to suit.

Step 2 - Pipe Out

This can take a few hours depending on the size of the house. Our trained technicians will attend your site and map the best route to run the pipe work within the walls. This is best done at about the same time your electrician is onsite doing their first fix and before insulation is installed.

Step 3 - Mchine Fit Off

Once the house is painted and the kitchen is installed its time to complete the fit off. We will hang the machine install the wall inlets and vacpan (optional). We then test the system to ensure everything is working well. We leave the accessories ready for you to start vacuuming with joy.

 The Electron EVS Power Unit is the heart of the ducted vacuum system.

Cleaner Kitchen Floors

Optional Kitchen Vacpan frees you to sweep directly into your vacuum. Simply sweep the dirt from your floor to the VacPan and suck it away. No hose, no hands just fast cleaning.

Hide Your Vacuum

Stylish wall inlets hide your vacuum system but it is at your fingertips when you need it. The powerful motor is hidden away and is ready when you are. We have a machine to suit every size house.

Breathe Better

Carpet is a library of dirt, dust mites, pet fur and dead skin. Most pull-behind & stick vacuums just are simply not powerful enough to reach deep into your carpet to really get it clean. Our central vacuums make your carpet a place where you want to lie on.

Electron EVS - Australia’s Premier Central Vacuum Brand

Now available in New Zealand exclusively from VacuumOne

Central Vacuum system FAQs

Do I need a vacuum inlet in every room?

No there is no need to have a inlet in each room. The number of sockets needed depends on house size. One socket covers between 25 - 30 m², and you can also calculate the needed sockets based on the reach of a 12-meter cleaning hose from installed sockets.

It is preferred to install the sockets are installed in corridors living rooms and entrance ways.

Are central vacuum systems suitable for people with allergies?

Yes, central vacuum systems are ideal for allergy sufferers.

How are central vacuum systems different from traditional vacuum cleaners?

One of the biggest differences lies in how dust is recycled. Traditional vacuum cleaners blow dust back into the air, while central vacuum systems remove it completely by transporting it through pipes to the central unit.

Can my central vacuum system get blocked?

Our pipework is designed to reduce blockages, with a safety system of a 90° bend behind the inlet to prevent "big" objects from entering the pipes. To avoid blockages, we recommend not vacuuming up items like cotton buds or hair clips that can get stuck in the pipework.

Can I use my central vacuum on all surfaces?

Yes, you can use your central vacuum on all surfaces by using the appropriate brushes.

Can I perform a service on my central vacuum system myself?

While some maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, it's best to have a professional service your central vacuum system to ensure all components are inspected and maintained properly.

How does a central vacuum system create a clean environment?

The dust is removed from the room where it is collected and filtered by special polyester filters inside the central unit. Clean air is then blown out, preventing any dust from coming into contact with the user.

What else can a central vacuum system efficiently remove besides dust?

Central vacuum systems are also efficient in removing bed bugs and micro-dust particles.

Can I find the appropriate brushes for my central vacuum easily?

Yes, you can easily purchase brushes and pipes for your central vacuum from VacuumOne. We Have a full range of brushes and floor tools for every surface/

How can I prevent wear and tear on my central vacuum system?

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning filters and checking for blockages, can help prevent wear and tear on your central vacuum system.

Is it possible to troubleshoot my central vacuum system on my own?

In some cases, minor issues can be resolved with simple troubleshooting steps. However, it's always best to contact a professional for more complex issues to avoid causing further damage.

What type of brush should I use for hard floors?

For hard floors, use a brush with soft bristles to avoid scratching the surface.

Why Choose VacuumOne?

VacuumOne has been installing central vacuums in New Zealand and providing cleaning solutions for any application or budget since the 80s. Our products and service have been appreciated by builders and homeowners for years. We only install the highest quality, very technically advanced products, with the best warranties available in the central vacuum market today. Buy with confidence and change the way you vacuum forever.

VacuumOne is a HomeSol company which means we are able to provide much more than just a central vacuum. Find all of your ventilation and extraction solutions here.